Tag: english


sentences in december 2019

20191207 today’s sentencesA turns out to be B She turns out to be in the middle of something difficult to solve. They turn out to be newlyweds. His paper tured out to be a fabrication. MommySon turned


sentences in october 2019

20191006 today’s sentences I was about to call you when I heard the news. You have to put what you did to the test before you deploy. Don’t keep you lazy. Always be alert to laziness. The car collided


sentences in september 2019

20190901 today’s sentencesIt’s no wonder ~ It’s no wonder she looked so sad when he got married. It’s no wonder he’s determined to leave us. It’s no wonder she can’t come in time for the event. It’s n


sentences in august 2019

20190801 today’s sentencesThank god ~ Thank got I can see her again in the class. Thank god there’s an air conditioner in our class room. Thank god it’s raining in this hot summer. Thank god I can tak


마유 영어 1년 회고

어떤 걸 얼마나 하였는지강남 YBM에서 마스터 유진 선생님의 마유영어 평일 오전반을 1년 동안 수강하고 있고 동시에 class assistant 활동을 하고있다. 어떤 역할을 하였고 무엇을 하였는지처음에는 일반 수강생이자 스터디 그룹 멤버로서 수업을 수강하였고,4월부터 현재까지 class assistant로서 수업 및 그룹 스터디 supporter 역할을


sentences in july 2019

20190703 today’s sentencesThank god ~ Thank god I got a day off from work today. Thank god I have enough money to study in a cafe. Thank god you got accepted to the company. Thank god I learned OOP to


sentences in june 2019

20190601 today’s sentencesIt’s too bad It’s too bad your suit doesn’t fit you now. It’s too bad she hasn’t been Paris. It’s too bad my tablet can’t process fast. It’s too bad you’re still paying down


sentences in may 2019

20190506 today’s sentencesIt’s too bad It’s too bad you’re still at work. It’s too bad you lost your wallet during the trip. It’s too bad you were between the broken couples. It’s too bad he used to b


sentences in march 2019

20190304 today’s sentencescan Better yet, you can call me at the middle of the night. Rumor has it that, she can enter the staff room. You can’t go out for no reason because find dusts are terrible. I


sentences in febuary 2019

20190202 today’s sentencescan You can’t touch my baby without washing your hands. My girlfriend can visit my place without calling me. You guys can use my lotion without asking me. We can’t cheat on o